Postpartum Doula

The Fourth Trimester

  • You are worth investing in.

    One of the greatest ways to care for your baby is to prioritize your well-being. We are not meant to mother alone, and I am here to be part of your “Fourth Trimester village”. An investment in postpartum care is one of the most practical and significant ways to be the mama you want to be. Having this level of care set up before your baby arrives will ease stress and uncertainty.

  • Practical Support

    Recovering physically from birth requires time and intentional rest. Allowing ample recovery time helps ensure a healthy postpartum mind and body. As your doula, let me take care of household logistics and tasks. Each family has different needs, so we will discuss what you would benefit most from.

  • Emotional Support

    The transition to parenthood carries a whirlwind of emotions, often impacted by postpartum hormonal shifts. As your doula, I will offer a non-judgmental space to listen to you process your birth experience all while navigating the feelings that come alongside caring for a newborn.

  • Newborn Education

    You have profound motherly instincts already. I will walk with you, as you learn to trust yourself and build confidence as a parent. My goal is to help you take the “guessing out of googling”, as I provide resources and evidence based information on normal newborn behaviors. I specialize in lactation support and newborn feeding, and have a network of specialized referrals, if need be.

Doulas remind us that birth is not only about making babies. It’s about making mothers — strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength.
— Barbara Katz Rothman