• What is the meaning behind the name "Full Moon Doula Care"?

    Full moons signify a shift in heightened emotions and increased intuition. This speaks so deeply to the maternal experience. Mothers often talk about the huge identify shift that happens when becoming a parent. Furthermore, there tends to be feelings of “losing a part of yourself”. Throughout my life, I have referred back to this quote by Isra Al-Thibeh: “Darling, the moon is still the moon in all its phases.” Darling mama — remember that just like the moon, you are still you: before, during, and after you become a mother.

  • How does a doula support my partner?

    As your Doula, I am here to support your family, in ways that make sense for your specific situation. A doula does not “replace” your spouse or partner — rather supports them so that they can better support you as the mother. I work hard to build trust with both parents in order to cater my support to their needs.

  • What ideas do you have to help pay for doula support?

    The reality is that your friends, family and loved ones are so excited about welcoming your baby into this world! They want to support you in ways you would appreciate — but often don’t know what would be most useful. Share with them your desire to have a doula through your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum and ask for support towards this cost. Many women have found success in listing doula services on their registries.

    Additionally, more and more insurance companies are covering doula services, so be sure to check into the benefits your plan offers. I will provide an invoice for you to submit for reimbursement.

  • Where do you serve as a Doula?

    I offer all of my services in the Wenatchee, WA Valley and surrounding areas including Leavenworth, Chelan, and all of the smaller towns in between! I accompany mothers and families at hospital births, the Wenatchee Midwife Service & Childbirth Center, and homebirths where a medical provider is present.