Motherhood Shower

Becoming a mother is a rite of passage that deserves to be celebrated.

At a Motherhood Shower, you are surrounded by the women who know and care about you most. They know how to make you feel loved and want to help you honor the transition from pregnancy to motherhood in the most meaningful and celebratory ways!

Are you wanting to plan the perfect celebration for your sister/in-law, best friend, partner or loved one? Instead of buying material things (that likely aren’t needed!), you won’t regret investing in this experience instead.

This celebration is perfect for both first time mothers and those who have already birthed (who often do not have a shower of any kind planned for them). I have a serious love for planning (just ask my girlfriends!) and I am committed to creating the perfect celebration unique to you!

Prices for Motherhood Showers are a la carte depending on the services provided. I am happy to work with you to ensure an affordable experience!

There is no greater gift than helping a mother feel loved.

Some popular options can include:

  • brunch, mocktails, charcuterie boards

  • yoga, dance, pilates, hiking

  • making birth candles (to be lit while the mother is in labor)

  • a “Motherhood Blessing” ceremony

  • homemade flower crowns

  • maternity photos with your circle of women

  • sharing birthing intentions and rituals

  • anything else that would make you feel beautiful!