About Me

Hi there, I’m Laura!

I was born and raised in the woods of northern Minnesota and have since fallen in love with the mountains of central Washington. Because of the profound influence of my mother and grandmother (who birthed 10 children!), I pursued Child Development & Family Systems in college. I went on to earn a Masters degree in Education and have worked for a variety of non-profit organizations and universities around the globe.

Once I became a mother, my purpose and priorities completely shifted, especially in terms of my career. I saw a deep need for change within maternal health, and immersed myself into the powerful, sacred, and imperative work of becoming a Doula. Now I can confidently say it’s not “just a job” – it means way more than that — it is my lifework. I am a trained (and soon to be certified) Birth & Postpartum Doula through Doulas of North America.

My experiences with infertility, a traumatic pre-term labor, and an extensive stay in the NICU taught me what it means to advocate for myself and my family. As I navigated postpartum depression and anxiety, I experienced how life-changing a supportive community can be. Furthermore, I experienced a new level of stamina, dug deep into my instincts, and felt a life-altering maternal love that has changed me forever.

Now, as I walk alongside mothers and families during these transformative times, I carry closely the compassion that I know is so pivotal during vulnerable times.

My husband, son, and I live in Wenatchee, WA and love to hike and camp together. I feel happiest when I’m practicing yoga outdoors or swimming in an Alpine Lake. I’ve always said that sharing baked goods and homemade pottery are my love languages!